Born and raised in Barbados - lived across the US - journeyed through twelve countries around the globe - currently based in the magical land of Austin, Texas.
Sitting in a corporate meeting, a question was written on the board “What would be your dream job?” I got up and wrote “photographer for National Geographic”. I sat through the rest of the meeting staring at my answer when it hit me… why is that just a dream? I can at least start somewhere. So I picked up a camera and dove head first into everything photography.
This journey has led me to a world deeper into the art of photography than I ever expected. Shooting events, fashion, family portraits, landscapes, or candid city life, I’ve become obsessed. Being fully immersed in my craft allows me the opportunity to bring to life the images my clients envision and the happiness it brings me to create art.
Learn more in my featured interview with Canvas Rebel Magazine